McDonald’s is Not So Sweet

Yesterday, I went to the McDonald’s in the pedway of the 233 N. Michigan Avenue building in Chicago. My hope was to get one of those $1 large drinks for either a soda or sweet tea. I am crazy about sweet tea. Although I noticed something was out of place. Normally all the soft drinks are in an open space where people serve themselves and can get refills. HOWEVER, I saw that the sweet tea was moved to behind the counter. I was shocked.

When I asked the friendly employee what was up she told me that the sweet tea was being abused by people getting refills. I was perplexed. I could not understand. Sweet tea at this location and other locations has been/is available for refills. What a joke. I’d like to know who in management wanted to stop the “abuse.”

Speaking of jokes, check out McDonald’s web page for “news.” The most recent press release is dated October 25, 2007. Wow, you’d think a big company like that would have something newer. I guess they got distracted from writing new press releases while guarding the sweet tea.